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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

[AMD] Re: Worst Kit.

Todd wrote:

"It has occurred to me that I may well need to confess that I am the "culprit" who (unwittingly) got the "worst kit" string started by my remarks about the Airfix 747 kit in my reply to someone who (if I am recalling correctly) had inquired about the difference between the Revell and Airfix 1:144 747-100/-200 kits."

"Plus, I never intended my own (albeit widely shared) views in comparing the Revell and Airfix 747 kits, as requested by a member, to be "hijacked" into a "Worst Model Battle Royal".


Actually Todd, it's not your fault at all, it's mine! Apologies are humbly offered as well. And unlike D.B. Cooper, this hijacker will own up to his crimes. :-)

At the time of this thread, there were alot of questions about several kits; Nitto/Entex/Doyusha 727-200, 747-200, Aurora CV-880, etc.

Now, the Hawk/Glencoe CV-880 turns FIFTY this year, and it's a fine model! Have mentioned several times on how "Right" the nose & cockpit windows look; VERY Convair.

The Revell KC-135 & 707-100 turn 52 & 51 years old this year respectively. Again, these will build into a pretty darn good looking models.

Also recently brought up was the Comet 707 367-80; another one that looks good, and that model is almost 55 years old!!

The Aurora 880/990, the Nitto 747-200, do not suffer from "Age", they are "Bad" models, EVEN FOR THEIR TIME.

For someone my age (48) or older, we are well versed in what the good & bad old kits are. I'm sure though (Judging by many of the posts) that many of our younger AMDers however, many of whom could even be teenagers, have never even heard of alot of these kits, let alone see them.

So here's a young guy, he wants a 1/100 880 or 990 (Me too!!) and he drops $250 for an 880, or $1,000 for a 990, he opens the box, and he sees a 1960s Schoolbus with a nose, wings & tail. Now, he can turn that right around to get his money back sure, but he may not want to cough up the cash to begin with.

So, if a younger modeler sees the thread, it might help to steer him from the "Wrong" kit, before he get's too excited. Having said that, I certainly see Nick, Laurent, David, & Neil's point about the thread going on way too long. Dead horse syndrome, to be sure, and I agree.

Perhaps a better title for the thread would have been "The most & least authentic airliner kits"; that's a bit kinder, to be sure.

Also, another alternative would be to keep building on the files section, instead of just the endless posts about the same thing (Which I am certainly guilty of); I sent Christos close-ups of the nose and tail for the Nitto/Entex 727-200 for reference, which he added.

A modellers idea of "Fun" will vary wildly; sometimes it might be scratchbuilding a nine-winged Caproni-Campini flying boat, for another it's building an Otaki Tristar right from the box, have it look great with no extra work, and calling it good. And of cousre, everything in between. "Fixing up" a bad kit can give a wonderful feeling of accomplishment, to be sure. There are some, that are just too far beyond though, to be "Authentic".

Myself personally, I LOVE & CHERISH these old kits. In fact, some of the "Worst" ones have the most charm, and are my personal favourites. I can give you names of four AMDers that will vouch for me on this: Michael Bludworth, Gene Gatti, Christos Psarras, & Mike Vykukal.

If I came across an Aurora 880/990 at a garage sale, I'd be jumping up and down like a teenybopper. And not for re-sale, but to treasure. Being born in 1961, the old Aurora airliners fired my imagination as a young boy in the mid '60s, and I will always love them dearly. Just NOT as builders, but as a "Piece of history".

Also, if one has the money to burn, alot of the "Old & valuable but bad" kits make a neat looking "Retro/ugly/classic" desk model when built, which in turn, often become cool conversation pieces.

Kudos to Nick for keeping the Hawk CV-880 alive, Laurent for doing one in 1/144, and Neil, I actually slapped together one of your 1/72 747-200s once...What a MONSTER, and very accurate outline!! Only built it to the "Battleship grey" stage; on comission for a guy who wanted to finish it from there.

Thanks again Todd for stepping up to the plate, but like I said, I'm the guilty one here...totally cool; I got big shoulders, and can take it. :-)

I think ALL the info here at AMD is GREAT; I generally read about 85% of the posts personally. Building tips, stuff for sale, full scale aircraft, good & bad kits, the whole shebang, all of it very valid.

In fact, I'd rather read arguments here, than be stuck at a "Sunshiney" Tupperware party, listening to a bunch of housewives go on & on about Ashton Kutcher for crying out loud.

David's comment about the "40 year old car"; I WISH I had a cool 40 year old car to drive around in!! It would beat the 1981 Toyota Long Bed pick-up that hauls my sorry carcass around, LOL.

Best always,



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