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Friday, July 17, 2009

RE: [AMD] Challenging kits

Sorry about the blank send............finger check.
Where the degree of difficulty could easily be factored in on a score sheet at a contest where the judge can see, touch, feel (even thought they don't usually) the model an online contest such as this is different.  All we'll have to look at is the build pictures and a picture of the final product.  Of course, our personal likes and dislikes and opinions about what is good, bad, or indifferent will come into play.  If you are a rivet counter, you'll be watching for more detail.  If you're not, you'll be looking for the overall appearance.  I think these things will serve the purpose you propose without a formal declaration from "the management" as to how the final model should be judged.  Let's keep it very simple, especially for this first go you like it or not and which one do you like best.  I'm willing to trust the integrity of the group to be fair.  Besides, this is about having fun and getting some of us underachievers, me included, building again.  One last point, I don't know what qualifies as a higher level of difficulty kit and I don't think I'm alone here. 
As far as sponsorship goes, a lot of the suppliers are members here and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Christos has already been contacted about prize donations.  Even if there were no prizes beyond bragging rights until the next contest it would still be worth doing.
Now it's up to Christos, since it was his idea, to come up with a theme and a target date for completion. 
Just my two cents worth.
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Kenn Hamm
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 9:29 PM
Subject: [AMD] Challenging kits


Thinking of conventions and a category... Tongue in cheek or not, there is something to consider!

Think about Diving, freestyle skiing, halfpipe, etc. at the olympics X-Games... Different tricks or dives have different levels of difficulty...

Maybe someone who does a pretty good job with a high difficulty kit gets a little edge over someone who builds a great model from a great kit. I know I see scratchbuilt models as the gold standard for that. Nothing more difficult than making it yourself...

Anyway, adding that 'challenge' weight factor to a certain type of contest / prize might add a new depth to modeling and certainly could breathe new life into the difficult kit market... Add a best effort category or something...

I would think Mach2 or AModel would make a great sponsors... >:)


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