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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Re: [AMD] Re: Worst Kit/battle royal

Maybe the promoters of Airliners International Conventions should have a worst kits category with a pose down between the worst kits at an AI convention, Just to change things around a bit and have some fun, with the two runners up appearing in a pose down with Mitsu Hasegawa coming in from Japan to judge in his truly fair and unbiased manner.  That way we would truly know which is/was the worst kit and is it truly worse than "Brand X"!
Think of the possibilities here folks.  A whole new modeling venue, with a rule book, rules, judging parameters and all the usual trappings that a convention of this magnitude can provide.  The owner of the winner of the worst kit, would get recognition and a special award for the effort put forth to produce such a dog!
Written with tongue firmly planted in cheek!

Mark Krumrey

--- On Wed, 7/15/09, toddbudish <> wrote:

From: toddbudish <>
Subject: [AMD] Re: Worst Kit.
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 2:54 PM

It has occurred to me that I may well need to confess that I am the "culprit" who (unwittingly) got the "worst kit" string started by my remarks about the Airfix 747 kit in my reply to someone who (if I am recalling correctly) had inquired about the difference between the Revell and Airfix 1:144 747-100/-200 kits.

With that, allow me to say that I agree with David 110% -- as of at least a week ago we have heard all there is to hear about "worst kit" nominees...anything more is pointless repitition. Plus, I never intended my own (albeit widely shared) views in comparing the Revell and Airfix 747 kits, as requested by a member, to be "hijacked" into a "Worst Model Battle Royal" make one of many possible analogies between professional wresting and airliner modelling;)

TDY near BJI

--- In airlinermodelling@ yahoogroups. com, "david" <david@...> wrote:
> Am I the only one whose heart stopped a beat when I read yet another comment today on the worst kit. I thought this depressing string had died a death a couple of weeks ago.

> Please let's just let the subject drop in favour of something more
> positive.


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