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Friday, July 17, 2009

Re: [AMD] Re: "Rough Kits"/battle royal

Trying to sidestep through the cow pies and trying to share some information and not offend others....

My local IPMS club's contest has a special award titled Silk Purse from a Sows Ear that is awarded to the best model built from the ***** kit. I won it a few years back for my Glencoe TWA Moonliner model. The award is a memorial to Ralph Patino who could build something beautiful out of absolutely anything. My Moonliner model is still one of my favorites.

At the Columbus AI Randy Auble entered a Masterkit 737 that had the thrust reversers deployed and quite likely the flaps dropped. I don't remember if it placed but do remember he got many points for starting with a challenging kit.


Campbell, CA

Maybe the promoters of Airliners International Conventions should have a worst kits category with a pose down between the worst kits at an AI convention, Just to change things around a bit and have some fun, with the two runners up appearing in a pose down with Mitsu Hasegawa coming in from Japan to judge in his truly fair and unbiased manner. That way we would truly know which is/was the worst kit and is it truly worse than "Brand X"!
Think of the possibilities here folks. A whole new modeling venue, with a rule book, rules, judging parameters and all the usual trappings that a convention of this magnitude can provide. The owner of the winner of the worst kit, would get recognition and a special award for the effort put forth to produce such a dog!

Written with tongue firmly planted in cheek!

Mark Krumrey


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